PyCygwin ######## Python and Cython wrappers for `Cygwin's C API `_. Installation ============ :: pip install PyCygwin Naturally, this is only installable in Cygwin-provided Python (i.e. where ``sys.platform == 'cygwin'``). Usage ===== The initial version (v0.1) does not provide a complete cover for the API. It only supports three useful functions: * :func:`cygwin.cygpath` -- this provides a (partial) equivalent to the `cygpath `_ system utility, supporting the most useful functionality thereof (that is, converting Cygwin paths to native Windows paths and vice-versa). * :func:`cygwin.winpid_to_pid` -- converts the native Windows PID of a process to its PID in Cygwin (if it is a Cygwin process). * :func:`cygwin.pid_to_winpid` -- likewise, converts the PID of a Cygwin process to its native Windows PID. API === .. automodule:: cygwin :members: