
Python and Cython wrappers for Cygwin’s C API.


pip install PyCygwin

Naturally, this is only installable in Cygwin-provided Python (i.e. where sys.platform == 'cygwin').


The initial version (v0.1) does not provide a complete cover for the API. It only supports three useful functions:

  • cygwin.cygpath() – this provides a (partial) equivalent to the cygpath system utility, supporting the most useful functionality thereof (that is, converting Cygwin paths to native Windows paths and vice-versa).
  • cygwin.winpid_to_pid() – converts the native Windows PID of a process to its PID in Cygwin (if it is a Cygwin process).
  • cygwin.pid_to_winpid() – likewise, converts the PID of a Cygwin process to its native Windows PID.


High-level Python wrappers for Cygwin API functions.

cygwin.cygpath(path, mode='unix', absolute=True)

Provides a Python implementation of Cygwin path conversion à la the cygpath system utility from Cygwin.

Currently this does not supply a full replacement for the cygpath utility, but does provide the most common functionality (replacing UNIX paths with Windows paths and vice-versa).

  • path (str or path-like) – The path to convert; either a UNIX-style path or a Windows-style path.
  • mode (str, optional) – Currently supports one of 'u'/'unix' or 'w'/'windows' indicating the style of path to return (regardless of the style of the input path, which can be either) (default: 'unix').
  • absolute (bool, optional) – If True, return an absolute path; otherwise return a relative path (default: True).


For conversions from a given POSIX path to its associated Windows path, most paths starting with / and not under /cygdrive will be relative to the Cygwin install path:

>>> import os, cygwin
>>> cyg_root = cygwin.cygpath('/', 'w')
>>> cygdrive = os.path.dirname(cygwin.cygpath('C:\\').rstrip('/'))

However, /cygdrive paths are special and will map directly to the equivalent Windows path (the path does not have to actually exist):

>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cygdrive + '/c/Windows', 'w'))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cygdrive + '/q/DOES_NOT_EXIST', 'w'))

When going from Windows to POSIX paths, if the path is relative to the Cygwin install root, then the returned path will be directly under /, without the cygdrive prefix, even if it doesn’t exist:

>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root + '\\usr'))
>>> print(cygwin.cygpath(cyg_root + '\\does_not_exist'))

However, if the Windows path is not relative to the Cygwin install root then the returned path is relative to the cygdrive prefix:

>>> pth = cygwin.cygpath('C:\\')
>>> pth
>>> pth == os.path.join(cygdrive, 'c/')
>>> pth = cygwin.cygpath('Q:\\DOES_NOT_EXIST')
>>> pth
>>> pth == os.path.join(cygdrive, 'q/DOES_NOT_EXIST')

Converts the native Windows PID of a Cygwin process to its Cygwin PID.

Sometimes these are identical, but they don’t have to be. Raises an OSError if the PID does not exist, or does not map to a Cygwin PID.

Parameters:pid (int) – The PID of a Windows process to look up in Cygwin.

Converts the PID of a Cygwin process to its native Windows PID.

Raises OSError(ESRCH, ...) if no process with the given PID exists.

Parameters:pid (int) – The PID of a Cygwin process to convert.